• Interview Santiago Segura: "Some call me señoro, fascist and pollavieja and the others, disgusting red. Let's see if we clarify ourselves"

The actor and director Santiago Segura has had more than one run-in with social network users. Faced with this problem, which many familiar faces face almost daily, the Spaniard is clear and argues that the best option is to block. This has been told during an interview in 'Socialité'.

As he has related, there are many people who attack him with comments such as: "your movies are shit", or "your career is finished", words that he has ironically called "very nice". Sometimes, he has reported, he prefers to answer and establish a dialogue with the user, but in many cases he directly cuts for the healthy and blocks that person. "If I don't want to talk to an idiot," he said.

"You end up with patience a little burned and, although it is not ideal, there are times when you have to block because you get rid of receiving more messages from this type of people," he said during the interview, in which he assured that he does not have "to put up with that".

All these reasons contribute to Santiago Segura reducing his use of social networks, as he commented. The insults and attacks for no reason that he suffers on his Twitter, Instagram and Facebook accounts affect him like anyone else. "If not, it should be cork," he said.

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